
Monday, November 29, 2010

November 22-26

We examined our crystals on a slide and with a magnifying glass.
After leaving salt in a bowl of water for a few weeks ..the children examined the curious salt crystals and recorded their predictions and observations.

Aidan uses light and shadows in his art.

"Monster in forest"

FIAR book Cranberry Thanksgiving

Mary uses light and shadows in her art.

"family time together"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Novermber 8-12

Aidan is standing 5 boys in from the beaming blond boy! He is in first year of a three year program with Atoms. He is accepting and award for just playing. Teh coaches all volunteer and are amazing encouragers. They have helped Aidna become more gainly and the team gives him a sense of belonging and accomplishment!!
As the person in the FIAR book "How to make and Apple Pie and see the world" travels around the world to get their ingrediants ..we did the suggested science experiment of Evaporation.
We will observe Evaporation of salt left in a large bowl within the Dryer area.(Warmth)We will report back with our findings in a week or so.
Aidan: Water rises up into the air. The salt is left.
Mary:I would think it would turn into rotten water....It would make salt!

Also ..The inside of Mary's lap book.

FIAR - How to make an Apple Pie and see the world.

The inside of Aidan's lap book . Perspective of a continuing story by way of 4-fold art in street scenes.

November 8-12

Mary's 4 fold continueing story line in art example in LAP BOOK.1

Entitled "the runuwy Poodle"

Aidan's 4 fold continueing story line in art example in LAP BOOK

FIAR - How to make an Apple Pie and see the world.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Aidan adding Chip the beaver to the Map.. as we start at the Appalachians and check out some physical aspects of Canada.
Throwing Maple Tree helicopters in the air.

Inside of Mary's Lapbook.

List and an artist's perspective from above or below or anywhere:)

Inside of Aidan's Lapbook.

When asked to write down a list of travel words they referred to a stack of Airplane "Go Fish" cards and independantly wrote out some on the list plus other vehicles. The Glorious Flight Lapbooks.